
Archive for July, 2008

Dipping Electricity Volts:(

Gone are the days, when we used to tell people proudly that “ah I live in Hayatabad”, considered as a posh area in Peshawar and a place which had loads and loads of electricity but how things have changed drastically in the past 9-10 months, I hope u don’t ask it how they have:(

We as residents of Hayatabad used to think that we live somewhere that was great place to live and we still think about it as the same way but WAPDA really is making the lives more and more difficult for us to live here because of the amount of load shutting that is taking place is awesome.

Not only this but whenever we have the electricity a mere of 160 or 170 volts come rather than the usual 220, the most amazing thing is that it dips downs as the day progresses. In the morning it would be around 210, then at about 3 pm it goes to 200 or 190 and then after 8 pm if one gets more than 170 volts then he should consider himself to be a very lucky person.

The amazing thing is that UPS and Generators are now days generating more electricity than that of the WAPDA but then POL prices are going high day by day and that is making the running of generators even more difficult, alternatives of generators being run by GAS has also increased but still the problem of electricity needs to be looked into by WAPDA.

Categories: Miscellaneous

The Story of He!!!

July 30, 2008 3 comments

Depressed with the proceedings of the last couple of weeks he was still not in the state of mind to accept that all members of his family had been wiped away in a single yet fatal blow with the recent blast that had taken place in the city mall.

A silent tear ran down his cheek at the moment when he remembered that how some days back he was sitting next to his mom along with his sister and two years old brother. He was teasing his sister who was about to be engaged and then at once burst into tears when he saw a flashback with open eyes of the horrific blast which in a fatal blow along with his family had wiped away many other families.

It was a clear day and he had just his exams and was preparing for his sister’s engagement, when his mom asked him to take them to the city mall because they had to get some groceries because soon the influx of the guest would start in a couple of days and it would be hard then to get out of house for shopping purposes then.

He was reluctant to go because a match between Pakistan and India was being telecast live, but yet his mother persuaded him to get up and take them for shopping. He obeyed her command. He took the car out of the garage and after a while his mother came out along with his sister and little brother and they drove towards the mall.

Upon reaching the mall he asked his mom if he could pay a visit to a friend who lived by while they would shop around and upon getting permission, he arrived at his friend’s place, spend sometime with him. After receiving a call from his mother he got into his car and then drove towards the city mall.

He had just taken a right turn towards the mall that a huge blast took place and the mall that had been standing there a moment ago was shattered and caught fire. He was in his car some distance away but he also felt the blast as the main wind screen of his car broke. Without realizing much he yelled “Mother” and with all the bruises of the shattered glass he drove as fast as he could towards the mall. By the time he reached the mall a lot of people had gathered to save the injured or to take away the bodies of the deceased. As he was in a frantic shock, he did not realize that he had jumped out of a moving car and did not even bother to park it but ran straight towards the entrance as some men tried to stop him he yelled, “I have my family in there let me”, they let him go to know the fate of his family.

As he reached the place where the blast happened, it was like if the mall has been painted in red, with blood all over the place. Bodies, heads, hands were lying as if someone had put a brutal human show for Hannibal’s. He was shouting with all his might and was looking here and there, while wiping the blood of his face and eyes so that he could see properly and then with a shock he say his little brother lying in a single piece but taking his last breaths, the moment he reached him and picked him up he gave his last breath is his arms with his eyes wide open and his face bloody red.

He screamed as if someone had pierced his heart out of his chest and laid his body aside to look for others. He was moving now swiftly through the bodies and looking to find some way to get to his mother and sister he was not in his senses but still trying hard to concentrate while taking a turn he bumped into a half body and yelled like he would not live for another moment it was the body of his sister.

Trying to muster his strength to take her away, lost it completely when he saw his mother close by with her body in a pool of blood. He could not utter a single word as he reached there he set aside the body of his sister and walked slowly towards the place where his mother’s body was lying. He sat beside his mother body, took her head into his lap cleared her face which by the time was not really able to be recognized but still he wiped away the blood and then cried like a baby for moments to follow.

He mustered the last ounce of courage in his body and gathered all the three bodies with tears dripping like rain from his eyes and tried to take them out of the rubble. In mean time some rescuers heard his agonizing cries and came to help him with the bodies but he would not let anyone touch and was carrying her as he fainted.

He woke up after three days of unconscious to see his father by his side. He jumped towards him and then started crying like a baby. No one was left in his family except his father.

This is just a single story of so many families that have been ruined because of the bomb blasts and suicidal attacks.

Categories: Random thoughts

A girlfriend in one’s life is an important chapter

July 29, 2008 5 comments

After seeing many of my friends I used to think, “A girlfriend in one’s life is an important chapter”, but the main problem was that where to find or get a girlfriend. I was too curious about having a real time relationship and thanks to that curiosity my friends used to make fun of me all the time. Many times this was quite awful and I used to feel like a total loser until it all changed one day.

It was a gloomy and dark afternoon in winters when all of a sudden my friends showed up at my place and started to force me to go with them for night time bash at KFC. At first I refused to go because it was the end of the month and the pocket money was almost over and there were still a few days to go but at last I hopped into the car and we all headed to KFC.

We parked the car and entered, the crowd there was light than usual it was not that early but there were not many people there at KFC. After a mutual consensus we decided to go upstairs we picked up our meals and went upstairs. It did not take a lot of time for us to get into a naughty grove and along with our burger we started the usual madness around as there were not many people around.

I was halfway through my burger when I saw a cute little child going into the play area, as I was about to take my next bite I could not because of someone that ran after him. It was a girl and I was stranded at the bite as I could not take it and was so much lost at the beauty of the girl. A friend of mine noticed that I was not really following the chat they were having and asked me what happened and off course the denial came.

I was curios enough about that girl now and wanted to go and have a little bit of conversation with her at least. But there were two things first my friends and the second who was she with her family, brothers, and cousins etc it all was still buzzing around in my head when I saw her head back to her table with the child and I thought it was the chance to see whom she is with.

Who ever she was with they were all girls and I saw a ray of hope to approach her. They were in total three girls and there was the cute baby with them, this was really giving me the hope that I can go there and have a little chit chat with her because there were not many people around there as well.

I made an excuse to my friends and just made up my mind what ever to say when I got there. I was still revising the stuff when I reached there and the things that followed I don’t remember. The next thing that I remember was all my friends gathered around me and pushing me robustly and trying to bring me back into my senses.

When I came back into my senses and looked around I was at my friends place and they were gathered around me and giggling at me but the moment I sat up they could not stop themselves and burst into laughter.

Later is asked about what had happened there and got to know that I had slipped on the wet floor near the table where the girls were sitting and my head had bounced back of the table where the girls were sitting and fell unconscious. They helped me back to one of my friends home and there I was now laughing about the whole scene and when they came to know that what my real intentions were they had another big laugh about it but I didn’t dampened my spirits even thought I had a great fall yet I was not ready to give up upon finding a girl friend for myself and the search continues till date, three years into the accident :P.

Categories: Random thoughts

Holding arms with my wilderness

Holding arms with my wilderness I cry out
My aching eyes full of tears as they fall out
Is it now that you have to leave I don’t understand

Leaving me like this all alone as you are gone
Not interested I know I can never be
Let me try to be the one I used to be
It ain’t fake it’s true I miss you my lady
As I look upon the mistakes that I had made

Could it be the night I had wished for
Can I ever be the one you wished me to be
Can I hold you in my arms like the times before
Could it ever be the time we had wished for

Looking back at those times when we fell apart
Was it me was it you we never found out
Let us try again and tempt back into love
Would you help me out and be my lady

I don’t want to hold the arms of wilderness again
I don’t want to hurt you my love again
Let it out of your mind let us start again
On those paths of love and not of pain

Categories: Emote through words

Mobile Phone Romeo n Juliet

July 27, 2008 3 comments

Many a times there have been events that makes people think that what ever just happened in front of them would that have an effect on me if I do it. The answer that we initially get from the inner voice is that no if he can do it you can do.

Oh! I guess the topic is getting a little to serious and you might think it’s a serious lecture about different success stories in life, it is but it’s a story with a little twist that would really make you guys think in the end that it was worth reading.

I remember clearly back in the days when I had just given my second year exams and used to move about with my best buddy (the name is of no use trust me but for the sake of reading let it be U). We had a blast in those days we had no worries no tensions and above all we were free birds at that time because of the hefty exams schedule that we had just gone through.

Okay just leave the back ground coming to the point, the story starts as when one day he requested his dad to get a mobile for him and in three days he got one, it was a Nokia 3310 but at that moment it was like a huge thing to have a personal mobile and the events that followed after it are worth enough to bring a smile onto your face.

I still remember we were on the night patrol at phase 6 FC colony, we used to stroll around till late nights and that night I was staying at his end. We were discussing the different opportunities of life when his mobile rang, he looked at it and it was an unknown number at that time he did not pick the call. But when it rang for the third time he had to pick it up and we were surprised to hear a female voice from the other end she asked for someone and he said sorry miss wrong number.

We again got into our conversation but was soon interrupted by the same annoying thing that he had in his pocket and again it was the same number he picked it up again and the same voice again asked the same lousy question and he gave her the same reply but didn’t hang the phone up but carried on and asked if she wanted to talk why did she has to make excuses at this she banged the phone and I was laughing at him.

Being angry at this he dialed the number back and not to our surprise the same voice was heard again but she was not ready to talk about anything and went on by saying that she did not want to talk but actually it was a mistake they talked about little time and then my friend hung up the call.

We returned to his place and didn’t even talk any further about it, but it was just the start of a storm in the making. A few days later my friend turned up at my end and was a looking more than tired and when I asked why he said he was on the phone all night long!

I was like why I’m I not surprised at it and when I asked with whom he said the same wrong number girl but he was a little confused he said that she talks to me all right but she says that she is an aged woman who at that night mistakenly called up.

I also got a little excited at it and said to him that she was just playing and he should not fall for it and that she was a girl and this and that like as if was the guru lolx. We talked about her and he was like she has a damn sweet and sensuous voice and he was being head over heels at her now. Why I was not surprised again?

Time got on and my friend talked to the girl, lady or as she said middle aged woman more and more and then one day dressed implacably my friend told me get ready and hop into the car as we are going somewhere.

As I hoped in and got to know actually he was going to meet that caller, I was what but I was too late he said he had to and that he was because he could not resist anymore and there I was going by like a stupid person with him on his dream date. As we reached we decided that we’ll take different tables if anything happened I could rush in to save him (he thought of me as Hercules I guess!), both of us waited there for sometime and then someone walked over to the table a nice looking lady dressed white and sat with my friend on his table and I from the looks I got it that she was the caller girl or I may say woman and that she really was speaking the truth!

It was after an hour or so that my misery ended and they got up and went the separate ways, as my friend walked over to me I could not resist my self and was laughing like hell at him, he was so blushed at the scene that he could not say anything.

Phone linkups have been many since the advent of mobile going at the most lowest of levels and many a times mobile phone Romeos are born and mobile phone Juliet’s get them but the thing is that we should at least think about it before doing anything like this. Mobiles are for communication of sorts that you family and elders are informed about where you are and so they can track you down or some urgent business but I guess that age is over and the mobile love is in big time!

Categories: Random thoughts

Sunshine Of My Life

July 24, 2008 2 comments

Bright & sunny giving warmth to my life

When the dark clouds of sorrow are hanging over my life

When the first ray of light in the dark clouds of sorrow

Giving hope to my life,

As that is the sunshine of my life.

Leading the way through the dark paths of sorrow

As a star in the dark sky of night leading the way as a guide

And to follow that star to be at the place of desire

Giving hope to my life,

As that is the sunshine of my life.

But to find the reality of my life

I have to search for the ray of light in the dark clouds of sorrow

Till the last drop of my courage &determination

Because it was,

Giving hope to my life

As that was the sunshine of my life.

Categories: Emote through words

2 + 2 Equals 5

July 24, 2008 1 comment

2 + 2 equals 5! Weird it may sound because for ages and ages we have been taught that 2 + 2 equals 4, a simple additional rule of mathematics and there many who still go by that answer in this age of intelligenceJ.

But the thing I’m thinking about right now is that do we have to look at things the way it is shown to us, what I mean to say is that do we really have to look at things from others’ perspective, one does not need to be a chartered accountant or a banker to make 2 + 2 equal to 5!, the whole idea is that try a life that is being lived by not a set of rules made by some impotent imposter’s or a freak fagot but live it the way it deserves to be lived.

Being someone who believes that those who say live the life being one of the Freudian and those who say life like egoist (I’ve just studied these twoJ), are basically confused, they themselves do not what they should do. If a question is asked from them that why do they think, I assure you that none of them would be able to give a convincing answer. So what is the use of listening to them, try to live a life that is its combination of both.

Living a life one want is not at all hard but in this world of artificial and faggot rules, we have made it hard for ourselves by following them regardless of its need to be followed.

A simple thought is provoked, “Why is it so that we follow them?” and a simple answer is that we have forgot to live the life our way because of the illusions of leaving each others behind in different walks of life (but does not want toJ).

This simple answer has no meaningful purpose but yet we go about to make it meaningful by any given cost and by doing so we forget to live the life the way we deserve to live it. This way we compromise on something that can be done so a lot better than the way we do it.

So stop running after short term and more materialistic goals, at times things are better far away than being close by, be more passionate and meaningful about the way you live and try to get your meaning out from 2 + 2 equals 5 rather than other view of 2 + 2 equals 4.

Categories: Random thoughts

“I am what I am and it’s none of your business to think what am I” Part 1

July 23, 2008 1 comment

Someone told me I need to get a life and these words stuck me so hard that it really made me think about myself. I always had been of the opinion that no matter what, I’d never fall a pray to what others say to me about myself because I believe in “I am what I am and it’s none of your business to think what am I”.

The big question arising now is that was I always like this giving head to what others say or the recent events are turning me to think what I’m thinking now. People say what they have to say and they never think before they speak that what would be effect of the things they are saying on the other person and I was one of them. But lately it’s the other way around why do I care about people talking about me and bragging about the things I don’t want them to say.

At 4:42 in the morning I’m still confused that what am I doing up so late after I have tried so much to sleep but of no avail, what is that is disturbing me I don’t know hope I find the answer soon. Ahan let me give it one more try and if I succeed I would continue this change in my personality some other time but soon! ( To be continued)

Categories: Personal

Hello world!

July 23, 2008 1 comment

“Hello world!” wow great title for the first post but not the way i would have started it, hey its word press team they know better what to do, so it goes on.I just changed the text a little to my liking, because this blog page is mine!

bang the Hello World it could have been better Word Press

Bang the Hello World! it could have been better Word Press

Categories: Random thoughts