
Archive for September, 2010

Deploring omens

September 3, 2010 Leave a comment

Where are the things heading again? That’s the question on everyone’s mind at the moment as the deploring situation that is prevailing in the country which has been ravaged by a lot of unwanted things in the past two years.
With the damages of the current flooding still to be fully assessed and measured there has been rise in the ever so unwanted bomb attacks after the hiatus of a few months. The major of them has been the assassination of FC commandant Sifwat Ghayour and the Lahore incident. People in general at the moment are confused that is this the wake of another turbulent time that Pakistan has to face, only time will tell this but the omens are not looking good again …

Categories: Social

Are there any leaders out there …

September 1, 2010 Leave a comment

It’s hard to believe that just two years ago WE as a nation were making some steadfast progress economically, culturally and somehow at the sports front too but then the bubble of prosperity burst because we started walking a democratic route and it’s hard that we will be recovering any time soon.

The problem with that is we have a lot of problems at the moment and we don’t know which to address first, but if we single it out one, we will see out first and foremost problem that we need to look into is that of sincere leadership.

In the 63 years history of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, we have had a great deal of leaders at the hands of whom we have been cheated and lied to zillion of times at the name of democracy, prosperity and even religion but yet we never learn our lesson.

I for a simple fact can never understand that why on earth we have never seen loyal leaders, after the demise of the father of the nation one can think of two names who had the charisma of leading this nation to the great heights a general namely Ayub Khan and peoples’ choice Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto but I prefer the general over the later because of the work he put into the development for which we should be thankful to him it is not that the later did not play his part but I still prefer Ayub over him for a simple fact of giving us institutions of various forms and paradigms.
After the two there had been leaders out of whom some were stopovers and some were radicals who exploited the bare roots of religion.

Coming to the leaders of today General Pervaiz Musharaf by far was more practical than those who are helm today, apart from a few things that he did which were right but executed in wrong manner he was the one who steadied this country. One person that most of us have high hopes of bringing a positive change for good is Imran Khan but that day would in short can be defined as a hallucination beyond reality.

But the thing that is really bothering at the moment is that we are vulnerable to a lot of threats that urgently requires some solid and stern leadership to look into which range from economical issues to social issues and not to forget the current surge of militancy that has wrecked this country for the last couple of years and at the moment we don’t have someone who can inspire this nation.

Categories: Politics