
Archive for December, 2008

Dark Knight in the dark at Golden Globes

December 12, 2008 Leave a comment

The award season is getting nearer day by day in Hollywood, along with it the Golden Globes are here but  with it the uncanny nomination mysteries are also here. The most surprising of them all is “Dark Knight” being shun at the awards.

Except for the obvious nomination of Heath Ledger for  “The Joker”, most of the categories that it was supposed to be named in like for the best drama, best director etc to name a few are no where to be seen I guess without a doubt these are at least the two categories that should have been on the list along with the legendary foe of Batman “The Joker”, that was made immortal by Heath Ledger.

It remains to be a mystery why the globe didn’t shine on Dark Knight but with the Oscars buzz associated with this awesome movie I guess the globes took one wrong nomination step!

Eid December,08

December 11, 2008 Leave a comment

Driving back on the motorway from my village that is Rajjar, Charsadda after spending my Eid-ul-Azha over there I was wondering about what should I write on my blog about this trip of mine until I realized I should just not compromise my eating heroics that I did in the past 3 days and just write about all the fun.

When I reached Rajjar it was raining like hell and there was nothing but puddles of water and mud everywhere and I was kind of relieved to see them (for a change from the all wet and no mud life in the city). It was chilly but yet I had a feeling this Eid was going to rock and not spoiled by the rain and so it was!

When I woke up the rain was no where to be seen, prayed my morning prayers as I woke up at 6 A.M lolx, at 8:45 A.M prayed my Eid Namaz and then the fun really started with the slaughter of the animal we had for our qurbani.

By the time of noon we had a great tikka party where me and my cousin Yawar cooked a karahi and ate it all ourselves, we had promised almost seven others that we would let them get in and have a bite but alas as usual we couldn’t. Nothing notable happened till the night neither did at night, we had a round of chit chat and lots of peanuts.

The second day was busy and rocking, went to meet many elders and drank a lot of Pepsi there, then came the part I would never forget when we practiced shooting and I remained better among the lot with 5 shots out of 9 (out of which 4 were consecutive hits). When we were on our way back we hit a traffic jam we escaped from it but it lasted about two and a half hours imagine!

By the time the dark fell we had made our minds for another round of tikka party and to cut things short we had a hell of a time with all the eating, borne fire and the dancing.

Next morning I was back on my way to Peshawar but damn I miss my friends, cousins and neighbors with whom I spent my last 3 days of Eid and that whole fiasco of eating.

Categories: Personal

Ali Azmat: The Rocker \m/

December 7, 2008 1 comment

The music scene in Pakistan has been growing with time I still remember the days when there were virtually no good music coming out in Pakistan, there were some scattered good working going on. Even at that time I used to rate the Pakistan musician more talented than that of the Bollywood stereotype gana bajana.

Rock was something that used to considered total madness back then (many think about it the same today even) but when Junoon came they changed everything almost everything and with them came Ali Azmat into the local music seen as a raw potential to make it big and that is where he is now.

I personally am his huge fan because of the vocals he has are best suited to the genre that he is following. Ali Azmat was one of the reasons of the main stream attraction of Junoon along with the Sufish Rock music they have always produced.

The real potential of this singer came with the first solo album he did after the breakup of Junoon “Social Circus”, in which every second song had a meaning to it and he has lived it up with his new album Klashinfolk, giving the same old meaningful image to what is his passion.

You rock Ali Azmat \m/

Categories: Entertainment

After Comprehensive …

December 6, 2008 Leave a comment

After tiresome 9 days of rigorous comprehensive exam I’m finally free from all the tension and the weird stuff that went through in between those 9 days which at times made such a lunatic that I wanted to just kill the course instructors and blow up my institute.

I just got so relieved on Friday that means yesterday when I gave my last paper of Financial Management which totally kicked all of us in the butt because of the length of that paper in which the last question covered whole of the risk chapter that we had studied studied in almost two weeks 🙂 it was not only in this paper but also in the Inferential Stats paper, our teacher made such a bizarre paper to the depths of bizarreness  that he could.

In short everything was messed up even the papers of Quantitative Techniques for Management, Entrepreneurship & SME’s were all rubbish even if they went well they took a lot out of us but the most jolly good papers were of Managerial Economics and Advertising, the first one was good because the teacher made the paper comparatively easy and the later on was good because I’m good at it lolx. 🙂


Categories: Miscellaneous