
Archive for December 11, 2008

Eid December,08

December 11, 2008 Leave a comment

Driving back on the motorway from my village that is Rajjar, Charsadda after spending my Eid-ul-Azha over there I was wondering about what should I write on my blog about this trip of mine until I realized I should just not compromise my eating heroics that I did in the past 3 days and just write about all the fun.

When I reached Rajjar it was raining like hell and there was nothing but puddles of water and mud everywhere and I was kind of relieved to see them (for a change from the all wet and no mud life in the city). It was chilly but yet I had a feeling this Eid was going to rock and not spoiled by the rain and so it was!

When I woke up the rain was no where to be seen, prayed my morning prayers as I woke up at 6 A.M lolx, at 8:45 A.M prayed my Eid Namaz and then the fun really started with the slaughter of the animal we had for our qurbani.

By the time of noon we had a great tikka party where me and my cousin Yawar cooked a karahi and ate it all ourselves, we had promised almost seven others that we would let them get in and have a bite but alas as usual we couldn’t. Nothing notable happened till the night neither did at night, we had a round of chit chat and lots of peanuts.

The second day was busy and rocking, went to meet many elders and drank a lot of Pepsi there, then came the part I would never forget when we practiced shooting and I remained better among the lot with 5 shots out of 9 (out of which 4 were consecutive hits). When we were on our way back we hit a traffic jam we escaped from it but it lasted about two and a half hours imagine!

By the time the dark fell we had made our minds for another round of tikka party and to cut things short we had a hell of a time with all the eating, borne fire and the dancing.

Next morning I was back on my way to Peshawar but damn I miss my friends, cousins and neighbors with whom I spent my last 3 days of Eid and that whole fiasco of eating.

Categories: Personal