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My interesting delimma

Most of my seniors used to complaint about the supervisors that were assigned to them when they were doing their final BBA research report and i among many used to laugh at them because i knew that they were god damn lazy people but now being in their shoes i know it was not only them but the major factor of their laziness were their supervisors as well 🙂

About a week ago i got a precious chance to show the research proposal i had been working on to my supervisor whom i thought would be of great help (oh how i wish that was true!) and he told me that he would go through it and give me a reply in a couple of hours but its been 168 hours i mean a whole week that i have been waiting for that life saving reply :(.

More over today was the last date of the submission of the proposals and you know what he never showed up and when we contacted Mr. President (in this case my supervisor :)) about it he calmy replied that i will come tomorrow 😦

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